I am a london-based artist, specialising in indian miniature painting and the use of natural, sustainable sources to create these works. My journey in traditional art aims to pick up and conserve the fine threads of ancient mastery, particularly those focusing around the Indian subcontinent – showcasing and educating the coming generations on the art of the lost worlds, where with God’s Grace, these techniques and form of spiritual practice are embraced and carried into the future. As a current student of the traditional arts and learning under the watchful eyes of many renowned masters in their practices, the path within my spiritual and physical practice has just begun.
My work also focuses on the use of natural resources such as earths and plants, where the journeys of these materials intertwine into the paintings and a collective energy is formed. I have only scratched the surface as a traditional artist, but may this ‘kalakaari’ lead to the divine truth, and bring the eyes of the future closer to the source from which they permeate from.